Ted Wen  Statement  
Ted Wen’s exhibition history began in 1995 while he was still working toward his MFA at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco. He graduated in 1996 and has received awards in over half of the fifty exhibitions and competitions he has entered. He has exhibited in numerous California galleries and museums, including the Palm Springs Desert Museum and Crocker Art Museum. Wen’s works were featured in over a hundred publications and were selected for the covers of several national art magazines and newspapers, among them: The Pacific Sun, Art Calendar, Sunshine Artists, and Unitas Monthly of Taipei. Mr. Wen was also commissioned to create portraits for a number of Blues musicians’ CD albums, such as: Frankie Lee, Long John Hunter, Grammy Award winner Otis Rush, and blues music legend B.B. King’s daughter’s Claudette King. His works have been sought after internationally; among his recent collectors are movie star Michelle Pfeiffer and TV show producer David E. Kelly. Recently Mr. Wen was chosen to create several paintings for the Alameda County Arts Commission for their county Juvenile Justice Center. He also has had his works collected by the prestigious Academia Sinica of the Taiwanese government.
Ted Wen’s paintings are a reflection of his own dreams and life experiences, often set in a pose between realism and surrealism. His works typically feature a variety of subjects, one being the image of books. Another subject that has enriched his life is the world of birds. They reveal his wondering and curious soul. Freedom and happiness are reflected in his Fly to the Sky paintings. He is also a person who‘s always generating new ideas. In his new series his subjects”
His paintings deliver the message of his life , with feelings of joy, love , warmer, innocence, peaceful, unbound, mysterious, and curiosity.
For almost twenty years Mr. Wen has devoted himself to teaching art to both children and adults at some of the finest schools in Northern California and in Taiwan. He teaches oil painting, oil pastel, watercolor, drawing, sketch, color pencil, Acrylic, pottery and 3D mixed media, always stressing creativity and individual development
文桂川先生畢業於台灣中國文化大學西畫組及美國舊金山藝術學院藝術研究所繪畫碩士 (繪畫創作最高學位,MFA)。文桂川先生的作品是現實生活經歷與夢幻的結合,其發表創作的主題包括“書系列”,“夢幻人生”,“貓系列”,“圓滿系列”,“鳥系列”, "蜂鳥 系列 "以及, “飛向天空系列", "飛向天空與書系列”, "希望呼喊系列”,“馬系列”, 及" 鳥巢系列 "等作品。他擅長的藝術手法是【寫實】,筆下人、書、動物,景物宛如真實的呈現。而他畫面的意境是以抽象表現夢境及生命希望,畫面色彩鮮豐,藝術性深厚,充分展現其個人的藝術哲學風格,其畫風可算獨樹一幟。
  過去二十餘年裡,其作品在國際上己榮獲近三十餘項大獎,其中包括加州棕櫚泉沙漠博物館第28屆年度藝術作品“首獎”及美國西岸加州知名Crocker 藝術博物館雙周年作品競賽---“加州首都市獎”。其作品同時獲選為全美知名藝術家雜誌- Sunshine Artist,Art Calendar , 加州 Marin 縣知名的 Pacific Sun 週刊九月份第二週封面, "美華文學", 及台灣“聯合文學”封面等, 除此外美國移民局以2星期多批准以"傑出藝術家藝術成就"的永久居留權申請。
  文桂川先生被聘請為美國灣區(Bay Area)知名唱片公司 Blue Express Inc. 葛拉美將得主 Otis Rush, 資深音樂家 Long John Hunter 及美國藍調傅人物 B.B. King 的女兒 Claudette King 發行的專輯繪製封面,此一殊榮誠屬難能可貴!
其部份作品己被世界各地私人及政府機講收購典藏,其中包括台灣中央研究院,國際巨星- 密雪兒菲佛(Michelle Pfeifer),美國和名電視節目製作人大衛凱利(David E. Kelley, Boston Legal)。在2009年,文桂川先生被聘請為加州 Alameda 縣藝術收藏委員會(ACAC)繪製創作“書系列”作品,長期陳列在 Alameda 縣青少年法庭中心(Alameda County Juvenile Center)做為永久收藏,更被選為創作藝術家群,是唯一獲此殊榮的亞裔華人藝術家。
在2021,文桂川先生持續創作“ 鳥巢”,"書", ” 馬", " 蜂鳥",及"飛向天空"等系列作品。在作品的主題與環境間關係呈現且製造一種富有神秘、夢幻,溫暖 ,神秘 ,詼諧、快樂,自由及純真的氣氛。
  在美術教學上,文桂川先生有近20年的豐富成人和兒童教學經驗, 學生在各項 比賽 上獲獎無數,並鼓勵學生運用豐富想像力與繪畫扎實技巧相互配合來描繪出屬於他們的繪畫風格與形式。同時在其美術教學內容課程上包含:兒童創意美術、油畫、壓克利畫,水彩、陶藝、版畫、素描/速寫,彩色鉛筆畫,鉛字筆畫,水墨及3D混合媒體創作
Resume: Ted Wen
Born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1993-1996 MFA, Painting, Academy of Art College, San Francisco, CA,
1988-1991 BFA, Painting, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
1980- 1985 AA, Electronic - Engineering, Tung - Fong Junior College of Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2012 “Crocker-Kingsley exhibit”, Blue line Gallery, Roseville, CA
2012 “night of a Hundred Angels”, Whelan Gallery, The Cottage Gallery, Guna Beach, CA
2007 “Group Artists Art Exhibition”, J.K.D. Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA
2006 “One Man Show”, J.K.D. Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA
2005 ”Group Artists Art Exhibition“, J.K.D. Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA
“ Group Artists Art exhibition”, Contemporary Design & Art Gallery, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT
2004 “Three Artists Show”, J.K.D. Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA
2003 “Group Artists Art Exhibition”, J.K.D. Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA
2002 ”Group Artists Art Exhibition“, Chinese Art Center, Oakland, CA
”Group Artists Art Exhibition“, Cotugno, Amor & Lungin International Fine Arts”, Alhambra, CA
“Group Artists Art Exhibition” ,Gallery 8, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA
2001 “One Man Show”, Gallery 8, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA
“One Man Show”, Kaohsiung Art Center, Kaohsiung, CA
“One Man Show”, Village Square Gallery, Montrose, CA
“One Man Show”, Elena Zass Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
“One Man Show”, Chinese Art Gallery, San Leandro, CA
“One Man Show”, Lonna Clark Gallery, Petaluma, CA
2000 “Group Artists Art Exhibition”, The Switzer Gallery, Tiburon, CA
“One Man Show”, Chinese Culture Center(Elmonte) of the T.E.C.O, LA, CA
1999 “ Two Artists Art Exhibition”, Loanna Clark Gallery, Petaluma, CA
”Group Artists Art Exhibition“, Winters Fine Art Gallery, Camel, CA
“One Man Show”, Tai-Chon Art Center, Tai-Chon, Taiwan
“One Man Show”, Color Field Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1998 “1998 Croker-Kingsly Art Exhibition”, Crocker Art Museum Sacramento, CA
“World Contemporary Art 98”, LA Convention Center, CCA, LA, CA
“Hilton head Art League’s National Juried Art Exhibition”, Self Family Community Art Center,
Hilton head Island, SC
“Surrealism & Neo-Narrative”, Long Beach Arts, Long Beach, CA
1997 “The 28Th Annual National Juried Exhibition, Palm Spring Desert Museum, Palm Spring, CA
“National 100, 1997”, Florida Art Center, Havana, FL
“Art Prospect, 1997” La Jolla Art Gallery, La Jolla, CA
“Professional Fine Arts/Photograph Show”, Napa County Fair, Napa, CA
1996 “The 1996 International Competition - Art 21 Century - Work on Paper”, The Art Alliance and The Wilsdom Gallery, Courtenay, BC, Canada
“Mother Lode National 30th Annual Exhibition”, Placerville, CA
“The 5th Annual Figurative Small Works”, Afred F. Colaciello Gallery, Armory Art Center, West
Palm Beach
“Audubon Artists - 54th Annual Exhibition”, Historical Federal Hall, New York City, NY
“The National Oil & Acrylic Painter’s Society for Exhibition 98”, Columbia College Art Gallery,
Osage Beach, MD
“One Man Show”, Fine Arts Gallery, Academy of Art Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Awards & Honors
“Best of Show ”, 28th Annual National Juried Exhibition, 1997, Palm Spring Desert Museum, Palm Spring,
“Best of Show", 1996 Mother Lodge 30th Annual National Exhibition, Placerville, CA Cover Award”, 1997 Cover Competition of Art Calendar Art Magazine, Upper Fairmont, MD
“ City of Award - Books #3”, 1998 Crocker - Kingsly Exhibition, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA
“First Place - Oil painting, Bookks #6”, Hilton Island Art League’s 1998 National Art Juried Exhibition, Hilton Island, SC
“Best of Show & Award of Merit”, 1998 Professional Fine Art & Photography Show, Napa, CA
“First Place”, 1997 Professional Fine Art & Photography Show, Napa, CA
"Third Place", “night of a Hundred Angels”, Whelan Gallery, The Cottage Gallery, Guna Beach, CA
“Finalist Award - Experimental Category”, 1997, 2000, 2007, 2008 Annual Artist Magazine Art Competition, OH
“Artists Showcase Winners-96/97/98/99,”, Manhattan Art International Annual Art Competition, NY
“Award of Merit-96/97”, California Works, California State Fair, Sacramento, CA
“Excellence of Award”, California Works, California State Fair, Sacramento, CA
“Second Place”, 1997 Fine Art/Fine Craft Art Show, Marin County Fair, San Rafael. CA
“Runner-Up”, 10th Anniversary Edition Cover Contest: Encyclopedia of American Living Artists, Penn Valley, CA
“Juror Award”, 34th Annual Art Exhibition, Fairfield Art Association, Fairfield, CA
“Grant-2001”, National Culture and Arts Foundation(Taiwan Government), Taiwan
“ Grant-1999”, National Culture and Arts Foundation (Taiwan Government), Taiwan
Artworks on Covers:
"Cover Art on Summer 2013, no 86" The Literati , Foster City, CA
“ Cover Art on CD Album, 2008”, Grammy Award Winner - Long John Hunter , Blue Express, SF
“Cover Art on Weekly Newspaper”, Pacific Sun, Sep. 12- Sep. 18, 2008, Marin County, CA
“Cover Art on CD Album, 2008”, Claudia King( B.B. Daughter), Blue Express, SF
““Cover Art on CD Album, 2006”, Grammy Award Winner - Otis Rush, Blue Express, SF
Cover Art in July Issue 2000”, Sunshine Artist Magazine, Winter Park, FL
“Cover Art in July Issue 1999”, Unitas A literary Monthly, Taipei, Taiwan
“Cover Art in June Issue 1998”, Art Calendar Art Magazine, Upper Fairmount, MD
“Page 34-35, Issue 68, October 2013”, Distinctive Taste, Burligame, CA
“Page 79, Summer 2013 No86”, The Literati, Foster City, CA
“Page 85, Night of Hundred Angels, 2012”, When Enterprises / Whelan Galleries, Laguna Beach, CA
“Page 200-201, Studio Visit, volume 6 2009”, Open Studio Press, NY
"Page 150,Chinese Art News, Chinese Art Books, Co, Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan
"Page 213", Surrealist Art", Artists Magazine, Taipei, Taiwan
"Page 6", Manhattan Arts International July. August 1999, NY
"Page 24, Artist Showcase Award Winners, Manhattan Arts, International, Summer 1998 Vol. 15 No.2", NY
“Page 42-43 New Art International 1998”, Book Art Press, Woodstook, NY
“Page 78, Anniversary -10 Edition, Encyclopedia of Living Artists, Artnet work”Penn Valley, CA
"Page 52-54, Exhibition of Academy of Art College, 1996", Dynasty Art Group, INC., Taiwan
"Page 27, Sixth Annual Competition Issue, Summer 1997, Manhattan Arts International , NY
"Page 58-59, Dream and Life, Jan, 1997 ", Gold Lotus Magazine, Taipei, Taiwan
Dec. 27,2001,  “Ted Wen’s One Man Art Show”, Kaohsiung Cultural Center, Taiwanese News Daily, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
July 5, 2001, “Ted Wen at Village Square Gallery”, Glendale New-Press, Glendale, CA
April 27, 2001, ”One Man Show At Elena Zass Gallery”, Coastline News, Laguna Beach, CA
April 19, 2001, “ One Man Show - New Paintings at Chinese Art Gallery”, World Journal, Millbrae, CA 
Feb 21, 2001, “One Man Show at Lonna Clark Gallery - Petaluma“, Press Democrat, Santa Ross, CA
August 20-26, 2000”Artist Journey - World Weekly”, World Journal, Millbrae, CA
July 26, 2000, “SF News- Artist’s Story”, World Journal, Millbrae, CA
May 4, 2000, “South California News - Entertainment“, Chinese Daily News, Monterey Park, CAMay 3, 2000, “Chinese Figures - Artist”, Chi-Am Daily News, CA
July 6, 1999, ”Taichung News - Artist Solo Art Show”, China Times Express, Taiwan
July 3, 1999, Taichung News - Artist Solo Art show “, Taiwan Times, Taiwan
May 11, 1999,  “ Taiwan Culture -Art News”, Taiwan Daily, Taiwan
May 9, 1999, “Weekend News - Fine Art”, The Great Entertainment Daily, Taiwan
May 6, 1999,  “Art Review- Gallery  Show”, The Liberty Times, Taiwan
April Issue”1998 Crocker-Kingsly Art Exhibition”, Crocker Art museum, Sacramento, CA
Oct. 3, 1998,  “California News - Open Studio”, San Francisco Exammer & Chronicle, San Francisco, CA
July Issue , 1998, “Los Angeles World Art Exhibition, 98”, Artist Magazine, Taipei, Taiwan
“L.B. Arts Probes Surrealism, Press - Telegraph“, Long Beach, CA
May 28, “So  California Entertainment: Los Angeles Convention Art Show, World Journal, Monterey Park,
Oct. 6, 1997, “ San Francisco Event: Wen’s Art Exhibition”, World Journal, Millbrae, CA
Dec. 5, 1996, “Kaohsiung News”, The Liberty Times, Taipei, Taiwan
Nov. 23, 1996,“Cultural Arts”, China Times, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Oct.27, 1996,” Culture Square”, Nei-Ho Times, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Sep. 20, 1997, “Mother Lode Show Winners Announced”, Mountain Decrocraft, Placerville, CA
Alemeda County Art Commission, Oakland, CA
Academia Sinica, Academic Institution, the Republic of China, Taiwan
Blue Express, INC, San Francisco,
Miss Michelle Pfeiffer & Mr. David E. Kelly, Movie Star & TV Producer, CA
Color Fields Art Gallery, Taiwan
Chinese Art Gallery, SF, CA
Monterey Art Gallery, LA, CA
文桂川   履歷表
台北市彩田畫廊,台中文化中心,高雄市文化中心至美軒,美國Santa Monica JKD畫廊, Montrose village Square 畫廊,Laguna Beach Elena Ass 畫廊,San Leandro 中國畫廊,Petaluma Lonna Clark 畫廊,洛杉磯華僑文教第二中心,舊金山藝術學院藝術畫廊
Blue Line 畫廊,Gallery 8畫廊,Whelan/ Cottage 畫廊,The Switzer 畫廊,Winter Fine Art 畫廊,Self Family 社區藝術中心,Long Beach 藝術中心,Floria 藝術中心,Lo Jolla 藝術畫廊,加拿大Wilsdom 畫廊,West Palm Beach Amory 藝術中心,紐約聯邦大樓,哥倫比亞學院藝術畫廊,鹽水城現代設計藝術畫廊,棕櫚泉藝術博物館,Sacramento Crocker 藝術博物館,世界日報展覽㕔, 紐約聯邦大廳,Fairmont 旅館畫廊,Artspan 畫廊, Lonna Clark畫廊,洛杉磯會議中心, 哥倫比亞學院藝術畫廊, 加州minor House 畫廊, Fairfield 社區藝術中心。
美國世界日報(10次),世界週刊,聯合報,民視電台新聞專訪,洛杉磯北美電衛視新聞台專訪報導,洛杉磯KSC2新聞台專訪報導,大成影劇報,中國時報,自由時報,聯合晚報, 舊金山Examiner/Chronicles-Datebook,臺灣時報,中時晚報,金山時報,台灣日報,藝術家雜誌,臺灣新聞報,The Press Democrat, 美華文學,品美食時尚雜誌,Cans 藝術新聞,,LA Glendale News,Coastline News, Mountain Democrat,ArtScene,Manhattan Arts International,Update,新潮藝術雜誌,Sacramento Bee,New Art International 1999,Studio Visit 雜誌,Encyclopedia of living Artists10th Edition ,金色蓮花雜誌, 超現實主義,百天使之夜,洛杉磯天天日報。
聯合文學封面,Art Calendar 雜誌封面,Sunshine Artist 雜誌封面,美華文學雜誌封面,Pacific Sun週刊封面,Otis Rush 唱片封面,Long John hunter唱片封面, Frankie Lee 唱片封面, Claudette King 唱片封面
Crocker 藝術博物館雙週年"加州首都市獎"
Art Calendar 全美選作品-"封面獎"
Napa 縣藝術博覽會職業攝影家和藝術家展大會"首獎"及"優秀獎"
第30屆全美作品徵選Mother lode作品競賽"首獎"
榮獲美國紐約曼哈頓國際藝雜誌 96/97/98/99"藝術家傑出作品獎"
榮獲加州馬利 縣立博覽會藝術家展"第二名"
榮獲加州Alameda 縣立藝術基金藝會邀請"繪製作品典藏
榮獲1999, 2001中華民國國家文化基金贊助回台展出
臺灣國立中央研究院,美國加州Alameda縣立 藝術委員會,國際巨星密雪菲佛和丅V電視製作人大衛凱利,台灣101大樓李祖元原建築事務所,知名藝術收藏家黃炎博士,沈慶寧律師事務所,Blue Express唱片公司,新學友教育中心,台灣彩田藝術工作室,成長學宛,慈善家王詠秋董事長, 快樂童年中文學校

